Who Am I?
That’s a great question. We can all ask that of ourselves. Sometimes I find myself torn between who I want to be, who people think I am, and who I truly am.
But let me say it loud and clear for all those people in the back. I AM A WRITER. It’s nothing glorious, don’t mistake me. But it’s who I am. And the more writing I do, the more I come to terms with it.
It’s odd, but saying this out loud for the first time was difficult. I thought people would see through me. Call me FRAUD. Say it’s only a DREAM. Or worse, a HOBBY. But then I came to the distinct realization… I don’t care. Call me fraud, dreamer, writer, faker, confused, hopeless, talented, or author. Sure, some of those are exactly where I want to be, but the definitions others throw at me and label me with have no bearing on my own reality.
I AM A WRITER. I am a dreamer. I carry imagination with me everywhere I go. I scribble on napkins and take long notes in my journal. I hover over my computer with stories and people spilling out onto my digital screen. I make up stories on the spot for my kids at bedtime, sometimes sparking parts of my own novels. I cry from frustration, laugh when something I write actually comes out funny, and love what I do. Again, not glorious. But oh so worth it.
I edit and edit and edit some more, because no matter how great I think I am, I’ll always be able to improve. And as any writer can tell you, we have huge highs and desperate lows. Some days I’m more like “look at me, I’m brilliant” and other days I cry out “I suck, no one look while I go pout in the corner”. It’s the cold harsh reality of this life. But man are those highs worth it. And those lows only fuel the passion.
To be completely transparent, I’m in the process of finding literary agents to represent my novel. So no, to answer the burning question in your mind, I’m not published. YET. Yeah I know, some of you stopped reading after that last sentence. But let me encourage those still reading, the journey is only beginning. Like all writers, all professionals, all business men and women, all people, we have to start somewhere. (Usually at the beginning.)
If you’re a writer, dreaming of one day being published, the key is to never give up. I have a dream (sound familiar) and I won’t stop till I achieve that dream. Nor should you. It’s cheesy. But it’s true.
So to sum it all up for you, I’m a writer soon to be author. If you want to learn more, to dive deeper into my life and family, please see my post “Dig Deeper” under the About Me section.
Glad you’re here. Stick around to see what’s next in this fascinating journey of writer turned author. 🙂
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